On the Move with Jesus

Luke 9:51-56

St. Luke provides what some have called travel notices in his Gospel. He uses this rhetorical tool to announce to his readers, “We’re moving”, or better yet “Jesus is moving”, or even better than that, “The presence of God is on the move.” Mary traveled to Elizabeth with Jesus in her womb in preparation for the event that would shake the world, the incarnation. Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem for this very event. Later the Holy Family traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover where Jesus wowed the elders at the temple. Years later Jesus traveled to the Jordan to be baptized by John and across the Jordan to be tempted by Satan. He traveled to Galilee to begin his work there. And then today, the day before Ash Wednesday, we are told, “Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” Literally he set his face towards Jerusalem.” This is where he had to go. This was his destiny. This is where prophets die. This is where he would die. It was always the goal, always the destiny, always the place he would end up. Continue reading “On the Move with Jesus”

Peter and Cornelius and Us

Acts 10:9-23

He’s a notorious gangster who runs a club in the caves on the planet of Tatooine. When he is finally seen, he has some captives. One is Hans Solo. He’s imprisoned in carbonite and used as a decorative piece for this notorious crime boss named Jabba the Hutt. The 1983 movie of “Return of the Jedi” opens with the rescue mission spearheaded by Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Lando Calrissian. They infiltrate the ranks of Jabba the Hutt and rescue their friend Hans Solo. Sorry for the spoiler if “Return of the Jedi” is still on your list of films to see. Why this for introduction?  A wise third grade teacher knew how to play off cues from her classroom full of boys infatuated with the story of all things “Star Wars”. These boys when hearing about the city of Joppa thought immediately of an oversized wormlike creature named Jabba who snacked on disgusting little water animals. According to third grade reasoning, Joppa must be where Jabba lives.  The third-grade teacher redirected the distracted little boys and said, “The Bible story today tells us of another important rescue mission. Not one of make believe, but the real thing. And it involved the city of Joppa. And a guy named Jabba the Hutt didn’t live there.”  I don’t remember if the story was about Jonah or Cornelius but both accounts work. Just as that teacher stated, both mention the city of Joppa. Continue reading “Peter and Cornelius and Us”

The Transfiguration…For You

Luke 9:28-36

This week we need to remember again how to read the Bible. We need to stop and ask where we’re at. As you can see, we’re in Luke’s Gospel today. Now we’re in the ninth chapter, which you might think places us somewhat early in Jesus’ ministry. That, however, is not the case. We are relatively late in His ministry. He is preparing to go to Jerusalem for His passion, His suffering and death. When Jesus spoke with Moses and Elijah, He spoke to them about His impending cross, “His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.”  Luke, then, like John, for instance, spends an inordinate part of his Gospel on Jesus’ last days, weeks, and months. Continue reading “The Transfiguration…For You”

Idolatry and the Transfiguration

Psalm 99; Deuteronomy 9:15-24; Luke 10:21-24

“You shall have no other gods.”

Martin Luther expounded on this: “Similarly, one who congratulates himself on his great learning, intelligence, power, special advantages, family connections, and honor and trusts in them also has a god, only not the one true God. The evidence for this appears when people are arrogant, secure, and proud because of such possessions…” (LC, I, 10). Continue reading “Idolatry and the Transfiguration”

The Gospel and Justice

Psalm 98

I don’t know that we have lived up to the great heritage of Christianity. I know we haven’t. And it is troubling. To hate evil and to love righteousness. To fight for righteousness and to fight against evil. That’s what we are, in part, called to do, that’s what many Christians have done facing great opposition both from the world and from the church herself. But I am not sure about us. Continue reading “The Gospel and Justice”

Your Kind of Love Is Different

Luke 6:26-37

I didn’t know they tracked this kind of statistic, but it really doesn’t surprise me, because they have stats for all kinds of people. Apparently the number of hate groups in the US rose to its highest level in 20 years in 2018, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. This civil rights organization has labeled 1,020 active groups as espousing hate.  Included on the list are white supremacists, black nationalists, neo-Nazis, neo-confederates, Also included are Catholic Family Ministries, the Conservative Republicans of Texas, the Ku Klux Klan, American Nazi Party.  There are 24 right here in Indiana. “We monitor hate groups and other extremists throughout the United States and expose their activities to the public, the media and law enforcement,” they say.  Fighting hate, seeking justice, teaching tolerance. Continue reading “Your Kind of Love Is Different”

One Body in Christ

1 Corinthians 12:12-21, 26-27

 “United we stand, divided we fall.” This phrase has been used by poets and revolutionaries, by presidents and politicians. If you’ll recall, Jesus said something similar. When accused of being in league with the devil, Jesus counted that ridiculous accusation by pointing to his own driving out of demons and saying, “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” Rather than division, the Bible rejoices in cooperation and unity. On many occasions, Paul urged the members of the churches to “keep the unity of the Spirit…” and to love because love “binds them all together in perfect unity.” Jesus also prayed for unity. In his high-priestly prayer, he asked his Father in heaven to give unity to his disciples. He said, “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” God tells us that unity is a good thing and that it will bring blessings. It’s no coincidence then, that among the songs the Israelites would sing whenever they would come together for the great feasts, like the Passover, was Psalm 133. “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity. For there (in that unity) the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.” Continue reading “One Body in Christ”

Polycarp of Smyrna

Polycarp of Smyrna
1 John 3:16-20

Today the church remembers Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna. He is known as a disciple of John the Evangelist and an early martyr of the faith. Polycarp is an important historical link between the apostolic age and the early church. First, he confessed the orthodox Jesus. This fights against the theory that the Christology we confess today was a late fabrication by certain strains of Christianity in a power struggle against competing groups. Second, he quotes or alludes to many books of the New Testament cannon providing us historical evidence of the vetting process of the early church. Finally, he serves as a link to John the Evangelist, an apostle of Christ. Polycarp lived into the 150s AD. This means that mid-second-century Christians could be sure that the church’s teaching was orthodox and apostolic because they had a living link to the apostles. This is extremely helpful for the Christian apologist today in the defense of the authenticity of the New Testament testimony of Christ. Continue reading “Polycarp of Smyrna”


Luke 11:37-52

This past month, CBS brought together a group of fairly famous individuals to compete for a $250,000 prize. CBS aired it so that viewers could waste time with some mindless entertainment. The program was called “Celebrity Big Brother”. The goal of the show is to avoid getting evicted by a majority vote of the other houseguests. Along the way they hold grudges, make and break alliances, pretend to be friends, cry in a diary room, compete at mental and physical challenges, stab each other in the back, kick each other out of the house, and then all smile and celebrate after the winner is crowned. What caught my eye (and DVR) this time around was that I knew who some of these people were. For most of them, they had some sort of life challenge in the past. Some examples: one individual had a public battle with cancer, one was fired from the White House staff, one was a key witness in “the OJ trial”, one had been through an ugly divorce, one wasted a career in the NFL for other activities, and another man had tarnished his reputation as a gold medalist because of a scandal he was part of at the Summer Olympics in Brazil. They had some “woes” in life. And then there was another guy. He had some “Whoas” too.  Except they weren’t like cancer, divorce, or a public scandal. It was his famous phrase from an early 90s sitcom. When something caught his attention on the program, he with a look of amazement would cry “Whoa!” in a unique high pitch sort of way. And it would bring laughs to the audience. This phrase has stuck with him ever since. In fact, it’s stuck with him to the point where now 25 years later he refuses to say it. Continue reading “Whoa!”