Episode 27: No Apologies, Apologetics
Wingin’ It 26.2: Mike and Wade Talk Collars
Wingin’ It 26.1: BOOK REVIEW – The Necessary Distinction
Episode 26: So, Where Are You From?
Wingin’ It 25.1: An Uncompromising Gospel | The Flacian Controversy
A Classical Education Conference
In episode 18 of Let the Bird Fly! we were privileged to have Dr. Jason Merritt on to discuss Classical Education. For our listeners who found that discussion interesting, and who in the Milwaukee area, we thought you might like to know of a free conference on Lutheran classical education that is being held this Friday and Saturday, September 29th – 30th. You can find all the information on that conference (including information on registration) through this link. And if you haven’t listened to episode 18 yet, you can find that right here.
Thanks for listening, thanks for sharing, thanks for joining the conversation! We hope you’re diggin’ it as much as we are.
(If you do decide to go, sent Peter a quick email at peter@letthebirdfly.com. He’ll be there, so then he’ll know to keep an eye out for you.)
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